
Tarot With Alayna

In the Spring of 2020, I stayed with my parents for a few weeks during the height of COVID related shut downs. This was toward the beginning of their own spiritual awakening, and I remembered something long forgotten. My whole life, I have believed things happen for a reason. I believed that every soul we encountered was meant to be. As I entered adulthood, and started becoming the person society said I should be, I lost sight of that. Since then, I have explored several aspects of spiritual healing. Your 20’s hold so many decisions that will shape the rest of your life. By the time I reached 26, I had worked several jobs trying to figure out my place in life. I was also reawakening the spiritual aspect of myself. I needed direction, so I bought a deck of Fairy tarot cards (I’ve always had an obsession with “mythical” creatures). In the time I’ve been working with tarot, I’ve found my place in life, I’ve rediscovered my passions, and I’ve found the encouragement I’ve needed to keep pushing towards my goals.