This is one of my favorite practices, and I use it several times per week, if not daily. Forgiveness is your BEST tool for healing, and the Ho'oponopono is such an easy way to truly forgive the people and situations of your past. The full, ancient Ho'oponopono is much more involved, here is a great site if you'd like to dive deeper.
To simplify, the Ho'oponopono cleanses you by neutralizing and releasing the energy associated with negative emotions. Apply the Ho'oponopono mantra to any person or situation that you are feeling negatively about. It is the 4-phrase mantra that goes like this:
“I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.”
The only caveat, is that you have to mean it... each phrase. When you say the mantra, in the mindset of unconditional love, you will instantly feel the release of that emotion.
Asking yourself these questions will strengthen your natural connection to your higher self, ultimately allowing you to live a more fulfilling life as you experience it in your forever now moment. I sometimes contemplate whether my actions are inspired by my true self, or my ego. I am a huge believer in practice. We all have some ingrained, egoic habits. Since most of us have been brought up in a society that encourages bravado, and “winning”; sometimes I like to check myself to see where the good feelings are stemming from. Ask yourself these few questions if you are unsure of your path, or even practice with small daily decisions.
Is this information based on love or fear?
Is it expansive or restrictive?
Is it inclusive and connecting or elitist and separating?
Is it empowering to everyone involved?
Does this decision involve giving your power away to another? Following someone’s advice blindly? Or are you encouraged to connect with your own wisdom and knowingness?
Does it support the highest good of all?
Check in with your body. How does your body respond when you feel into the information? Do you feel energy activation within your heart center? Do you feel goosebumps? Do you feel flow, expansion, ease, or excitement? Does it allow you to be the love? All of these are your soul giving you a resounding yes.
If you feel triggered, fearful, or the energy contracting in your body, particularly in your abdomen, you are getting a clear no. The information you are receiving is not empowering to you and not an energetic match to who you really are. It could be playing to old wounds or experiences of powerlessness that you now have an opportunity to heal and evolve beyond.
~ December 22, 2020 - Universal Forces
Your body is roughly 70% water, with up to 83% in vital organs like the lungs. Research done by Dr. Masaru Emoto suggests that water is intelligent and holds emotional intention. Tell your water things like “I love you” and “Thank you for cleansing and healing my body” before you drink it. If I am doing a project around our ranch that requires a lot of physical effort, I thank my water, and my food for keeping me strong and capable.
If you think about it, water is everywhere... even the air we breathe has water droplets in it. Changing your own personal atmosphere seems very possible when you are putting out feelings of love and acceptance, rather than impatience and judgement. My takeaway from the studies of Dr Emoto and John and Nancy Hutchinson? We can repair the damage to the world by simply being more loving.
Listen to Solfeggio frequency music in the background during the day to literally change your vibe.